Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weigh-In-Wednesday SFG/EAS2 (Week 5)

I had a horrible week last week so I didn't check all. I missed reading all the posts over at the Sisterhood but caught up today. I did weigh myself and I was down to 170lb on Wednesday morning. But I was depressed, irritable, tired, and just plain grumpy. My birthday was Thursday so I ate SOOO much...cupcakes at work, dinner out with family (2 appetizers, salad, entree, dessert). Skipped a couple workouts and by the weekend I really felt like I was slipping. I was certain that I would have a horrible weigh in this week. I got back into gear on Sunday after a clothes shopping trip with the hubs. I got a bunch of clothes that just 'almost' fit amazingly but I still need to lose a few more pounds. Given the choice of getting clothes that will fit me great in 2-3 weeks or that are too big now (the problem with me and clothing is my waist to hip ratio), I chose to be optimistic and the determination set back in.

Soooo, I did the last workout of my 2nd EAS 30day on Sunday night and the results cannot be denied. I can call the scale a liar as much as I want but a measuring tape will always tell you the truth! When I started this 30day I measured myself and here are the before and afters!

*Bust - Sep. 1-40in Today-38in (-2 inches)
*Chest - Sep. 1-34in Today-33in (-1 inch)
*Bicep - Sep. 1-12in Today-11.5in (-.5 inch)
*Waist - Sep. 1-32.5in Today-31in (-1.5 inches)
*Hips - Sep. 1-46in Today-44in (-2 inches)
*Thigh - Sep. 1-26.5in Today-25in (-1.5inches)
*Calves - Sep. 1-15in Today-15in (same)

I'm not sure how that calculates to how many inches I've lost but it looks good to me. Good enough that I will be starting my 3rd 30day challenge TODAY! The only problem I have with the shrinking is that top number up there. My boobies are deflating! WTF? That is NOT cute. If they get any smaller I will have to roll them up to get them in my bra!

Anyway, this week turned out pretty good after all. I need to get a "Body by Wii" T-Shirt made, lol.

Last week: 167.0lb
Today: 166.2lb

I'm DOWN .8 for the week and - 7.4 for the challenge. The donation pile is getting bountiful.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weight-In-Wednesday SFG/EA2 (Week 3)

This morning after I weighed myself, I went outside and sat on the front porch in a daze for a few minutes. This doesn't seem real sometimes. We all know that sticking to a plan and making the right choices and exercising when you feel like crap is really hard sometimes. We all also know that doing those things pay off. It's just that I've had such a horrible body image for so long that lately when I weigh myself I mutter "Liar!" at the scale. I can't really be getting that thin, can I?

We are going to Vegas next month and on a whim I bought a pair of size 31 skinny jeans (they are called "Junkie Fit"...that should give you an idea of how skinny they really are) and when they arrived I just kinda sighed, knowing they wouldn't fit. I ran in the house and ripped open the package and slid them on. WTF? They are over my hips. OMG! I can snap them. WOWOWOW!!! The zipper goes up. Yes, that's right they are on my body! They are scandalously tight but they are ON! By Vegas time they should be fitting perfectly, enough room to jump and dance but snuggish.

That day I realized how poorly my clothes have been fitting me lately, hanging a little too low on the hip. But that's a triumph! My standard victorious size 14 clothes which let me know that I have triumphed over being plus sized are TOO BIG. Of course I still have a ways to go but this week has been amazing!

Last week: 172.6
Today: 168.6

Hell yea, that's right -4lbs! And 5lbs total to donate for this challenge.

p.s. I got my first Shrink badge

Monday, September 14, 2009

True Confessions Monday

I was pretty good this week but boy oh boy, Friday night was naughty at least.

I exercised as soon as I got home from work so that I wouldn't have to worry over it. Me and hubby were going out to dinner. Soon as I finished I grabbed a beer to drink before showering. Sad, I know. Grabbed a beer after the shower. On the way to the restaurant a couple of our friends offered to meet us at a bar. So we ate. I had a salad and a plate of yummy ummy (I'm getting a little lightheaded thinking about them even now) Garlic Parmesan Fries. Those things make me weak in the knees and I've wanted them all week. A couple more beers to wash all that down and off to the bar.

Had some rum, talked. More rum, more talking. More rum, probably mostly slurring and giggling at this point. A couple of beers and it was last call.

Got home and drank beer until (well, I don't remember but my husband filled me in) I passed out for awhile on the couch and when my husband woke me up, I stated that I wanted, You guessed it, MORE BEER!

Saturday I was hungover as hell but exercised in the morning anyway. Getting my heart pumping helped snap me out of it.

Oh, and last night I had 1/4 of a cookie. I think eating only that much of it was amazing self control on my part considering the bag is still in the kitchen! Thing is that when I'm dieting I get that "Ooooh, I haven't had one of those in soooo loooong" feeling and end up binging.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday SFG/EA2 (Week 2)

Ugh, it's been a rough last few days. Sure, I've been exercising and eating properly. I didn't even go out for dinner on Friday like I usually do because I had to work that night.

However Ms. Mother Nature is up to her monthly mischief and I've been a raving bloated maniac. I'm moody, depressed, tired, achy, and did I mention BLOATED??? Anyway, I'm up .6lb this week. Weighed in this morning at 172.6 pounds. Booo/Hisss!!!

And the EA Active? It stole Monday. Last night after work I figured I would do some Gold's Cardio since it was a rest day from EA Active but since the weekend was such a blur I thought I would check and make sure I had it right. The Journal has me as working out on Monday but the calander says I took a rest day. I don't think I have ever been so angry at an electronic device in my life! How DARE it? I burned over 300 calories on Monday night!

I cursed, yelled, shook fists and I'm pretty sure that steam was coming from my ears when my husband decided to say "Calm down honey, it's just a game" Oh boy did that ever push me over the edge! Just a GAME??? This is hard bloody work for me, exercising 2.5 hours a day and sometimes getting that little satisfaction of a checkmark on a day that I've completed keeps me on track.

I was up until 2:30 AM steaming over it. Now I'm laughing at myself, but last night I wanted to pulverize that little white box!

Last week: 172.0
Today: 172.6

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday SFG/EA2

Some days I guess you don't know where to start. I weighed in this morning at 172lb. That's a 1.6lb loss since Monday (I'm "raising the roof" at my desk). I've been doing that alot lately since I started EA Active. I've been really careful with my calories this week, having the most amazing salads for dinner and watching my starches. I have been using the LoseIt app. to lose my weight since the start of this in May and it works.

Today I'm starting Weight Watchers, I'm doing it mainly to participate in the Lose for Good campaign and also to spend time with my women-in-law. I'm not sure how the WW points program works, haven't done much research on it, but I'm hoping that I can track my calories in/out with LoseIt and have success with the WW program as well.

I will pick up the food to donate tomorrow when I go shopping for my greens, I'm hoping that at the end of this there will be several pounds of food stockpiled. My mind is just awhirl right now. The Sisterhood has given me so many engaging ways to think positively about all of this and an environment to feel comfortable sharing in.

EA Active is also doing a 5k challenge. I have been thinking about running alot lately but don't know where I'm going to find the time to fit it in. I'm seriously considering starting this. They have a training program on the website to get you ready.

I think the only thing still standing in my way is the smoking. I really need to whip that but I still don't really want to. That's the most horrible part. I know I need to but I just don't want to. *Sigh*

Anyway, this was a good week, I'm down pounds and still feeling great.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

EA Sports Active - Day 1

I finished up my first 30-day challenge at about 7pm and I have to say it's been wonderful. Some days are easy, some are hard and some just plain hurt. I made it a point to finish by the 31st (3 days early) so that I could start a new challenge with the Sisterhood. I feel better than I have in a long time. Some muscles are gaining definition, I have more energy, I feel stronger and so many other things that I couldn't even list. I have lost weight but I don't know how much.

I started my 2nd 30-day challenge at 11pm. I chose the female trainer this time and she's a little too perky for my taste. This time I'm going to keep the Wii Fit balance board enabled. Last time I did it without but we've cleared some extra space in the living room for my workouts. Also instead of focusing on how much weight I'm losing (it's going to happen anyway), at the end of this challenge I'm going to measure the difference in my body.

Before I started this challenge I took my measurements. I left them at home so I'm just going to write what I remember. This is also a clear indicator of what I see when I look at my body. Surprisingly everything measure at pretty much exactly what I thought it would. I haven't measured myself in years.

*Bust - 40in
*Chest - 34in
*Bicep - 12in
*Waist - 32.5in
*Hips - 46in (OMG OMG OMG)
*Thigh - 26.5in (OMG again...that's 53!!! inches of thigh)
*Calves - 15in

So at the end of the 30 days I will measure myself again and see exactly how this program has changed my body. That's it for now before I go on a rant about my ginormous ass!!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Wow, it's looking like this coming month will have me more focused than ever on my weight loss and fitness endeavors. On Wednesday I will be joining Weight Watchers and going to my first meeting. This "Lose for Good" charity that they're doing is a great reason for me to get involved with the program. I've been working very hard on losing weight and this is an amazing way for my efforts to pay off.

The ladies at the Sisterhood are also having their own challenge. It's called shrink for good. Basically you buy an equal amount of non-perishible foods to the weight you lose every week and at the end of the challenge donate it.

That's even more incentive. Weight loss and fitness are usually such a personal thing. Something you choose to do for whatever reasons you have for yourself. Sometimes people do it for themselves and their families. Mommy/Daddy wants to be there to see their kids grow up and graduate from college and get married. They realize that thier health issues negatively affect their family life.

But to spread that even beyond the boundaries of your front door. To the people who you may never see but are needing. I mean, I find myself throwing away food simply so that I am not tempted to eat it. How unfair is that. America truly has an economy that partially centered around waste. Larger portions than anyone could/SHOULD consume are offered to us at every turn. Bulk stores where you buy containers of food huge enough that they perish in the back of your cabinet...forgotten until you have a craving and realize that it's long expired. We go to these stores and buy these portions because we're constantly told that we are SAVING! Saving WHAT??

This is a chance to in my mind save ourselves and save each other. A chance to make ourselves and those who have less power and less opportunity that we, healthier. In the same breath a chance to raise awareness about what is going on that so many people have turned a blind eye to. I, too, am guilty. I often forget that there is a world outside my immediate reality. But when an opportunity comes up to open my arms and heart to strangers I do try to do what I can.

I wish all of the people who are participating luck and thank both Weight Watchers and the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans for an opportunity to pass the love on and pay it forward.

Lastly, today is the beginning of the EA Sports Active challenge. I am finishing up day 20 of my current challenge and beginning a new challenge to do with these ladies immediately after. I have to say that this program has made the most difference in my body. I feel stronger and leaner, not just lighter, than I have in quite some time. I plan to do the 30 day challenge at least three times to see where it will take me!

Today's weight 173.6

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

30 Day Challenge Profile

Name: Bleu

Age: 33

Hometown: Jupiter, FL

Family: Myself, Hubby and Daisy Doggy

1) Complete the following sentence – “When I look in the mirror I see…myself, finally appearing from under the flab of a few years of abusing my body"

2) What exercise do you take? What’s your current level of fitness? Right now I'm doing the WiiFit for an hour in the mornings and EASActive in the evenings. When it cools down a bit I will start cycling again in the evenings. My current level of fitness is I guess a bit below average, I am definitely overweight, but getting into decent shape overall.

3) How do you relax? Usually watching anime.

4) Do you watch your weight? Do I ever. And over the past few years it's been doing a very schizophrenic dance that is almost entertainining. The "Look how high I can go" Cirque du Soleil soar has to stop though.

5) What’s your favorite body part? My shoulders/upper arms. When I started losing weight and exercising, they were the first part of my body to regain some elegance in form.

6) What’s your least favorite body part? Some part of my butt. Although, there's so much butt that I can't really figure out which part has gone so drastically wrong.

7) What’s your favorite way to workout? Right now the Wii. I love going to the gym but I can't always get there so my memberships tend to rot.

Its time to work out, we’re most likely to find you decked out in? Embarrassed to say my underwear and a sports bra. I hate clothing and usually only wear it to make other people comfortable but if I'm in my own home, I just let it all hang out. Sadly, hang it does.

9) You’re due to workout, but it’s pouring rain. What do you do? Workout anyway. What I'm doing right now is indoors so I don't have to worry about the weather slowing me down. And if the rain stops it might be cool enough to go for a ride on my bike.

10) What’s the one item you wouldn’t be without when working out? My music. I've tried working out to what's playing on the Wii, or what's playing at the gym and I find that I just don't push myself as hard as when I'm really in the groove from my tunes.

11) What do you hope to get from the 30 Day Challenge? Hoping my ass will follow my arms and shape the hell up!!

12) What are you apprehensive about going in? All of the lower body workouts, I've been having a little trouble with my knees since I've started the program.

13) How will you reward yourself after the challenge? You know, I don't ever really think about rewarding myself. I look at taking care of myself as a reward in itself.

14) Complete the following sentence – “I’m Active for … the way it makes me feel. I feel alive in a way that I haven't in a long time”

Weigh-In Wednesday

What a mini catastrophe. My scale chose today to crap out on me. I have to buy a new one after work and get a real reading on where I am.

It's weigh in day over at the Sisterhood and WHY TODAY?

First I want to congratulate the winners of the Weight Watchers, Lose for Good giveaway. I hope those ladies enjoy their spoils. I am actually thinking about joining up, the ladies in my husbands family go every Wednesday so it would be a nice "Girl's Night" thing to do.

I got several readings from the scale this morning ranging from 173.8 to 175 pounds. I would say that means I've definitely gained, but how much? Lets average it out and say I gained a pound which would put me at 174.4. I will update with tomorrows weight on an accurate scale.

I'm really not surprised that I gained after my shenanigans with food this past weekend. I am also not discouraged because a little weight gain is bound to happen now and then. It just does. I know that I'm on the right path and as long as I'm feeling great and making efforts to do the right things, I'm satisfied.

I'm going to try and be "good" this weekend coming up, work hard all week with my workouts, and hopefully have a happier conversation with the scale next week.

Good luck all!!!

Last week: 173.4lb
This week: 174.4lb

Monday, August 24, 2009

True Confessions Monday

It's that day again at the Sisterhood. Time to fess up to my transgressions. All in all I had a pretty good weekend.

Friday night we usually go out for dinner. I had a feeling that I would be having a "couple" of beers so I figured I'd do my evening workout before we ate. I took a little longer that anticipated, so our choices were narrowed down to bar food. We decided on Chili's because it's closest. Now, I will have to tell you that although my husband has been unbelievably supportive in my fitness efforts, he is an alcohol enabler. So before we even headed out for dinner he made a run to the gas station to stock the fridge with beer.

Chili's: Texas Cheese Fries...omg those are insanely good. I had them without the bacon of course. A margarita. Two draft beers. Quesadilla Explosion Salad. I ate less than half of everything but I know I really piled on some calories with the alcohol alone!!

Saturday was my cousin-in-law's birthday so I attended a little family get together for him. His mother is an amazing cook. When I'm at her home I not only feel obligated to eat what she prepares (especially since she makes a little extra effort to have something for me as a vegetarian), it's always delish and I do over-do it sometimes. AND I had three glasses of wine. So that was another diet FAIL day. I did both morning and evening exercise so I feel good about that. I usually skip exercise on days that I go out.

Sunday we went out with the birthday boy on a snorkel/dive trip. Poseidon smiled down upon him and he went home with two lobsters. We left so early in the morning that I didn't get my first exercise session in but I did snorkel a bit so that was something. Evening exercise I did and wow was it tough.

I'm not sure how things are going to pan out when I weigh in this week but, hey sometimes you gotta have fun and did I ever.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Vegas or Diving or Vegas or Diving?

Okay so I'm really psyched about learning how to dive. I'm absolutely in love with snorkeling and want to take it farther. I wanted to ask for dive lessons for my birthday and then I would be able to get gear for Christmas.

Now, there is a dilemma. I am absolutely in LOVE LOVE LOVE with Maynard James Keenan. He is the lead singer for the bands Tool, A Perfect Circle, and Puscifer. All three bands I love for what they are. They are so unique and I have so much respect for his creative abilities and endeavors. I have been trying to see Tool live for years now but it seems that every time they are playing near me some life nonsense gets in the way of me going to the show.

Puscifer is playing in Vegas in October. What a trip that would be, huh? Go to Vegas, see an amazing band play!! Just thinking about it gives me chills.

The only thing is that I know that we can't afford dive lessons AND a trip to Vegas so which do I choose. My life can't be bad at all if what I am currently agonizing over is which fun fun fun thing to do in a couple months.

I need to do some serious soul searching on this one, lol.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weigh in Wednesday

I'm pretty new to blogging so you guys are going to have to bear with me while I get into the swing of how it all works. I came upon the website a couple of weeks ago. Since I started my weight loss and fitness endeavor I have kept it all very personal and talking mostly to my husband about my challenges and triumphs. He's one of those "I love you and you're beautiful no matter what" guys and I appreciate that but it's a bit demotivating. So, I started looking around for some inspiration.

I want to keep going, I can keep going, and I WILL keep going. I've struggled with my weight since I was a teenager and in my 20s my body was in amazing shape through alot of hard work and exercise. I know what it takes for ME to be in shape and that's what it is all about. It's about ME. Making choices to be healthier and feel better because of the positive impact it will have on my life. I don't want to ever have to hide in a dark bedroom again faking sick because I dont want to go to some event where I will feel self-conscious.

The ladies on this site are amazing, each and every one of them. The members as well who's blogs I have visited. Everyone has thier own situation, problems, goals, strategies, etc. And I tell you it really makes me happy to see that there are so many other women out there who have pounded thier fist and said "That's it, I'm taking control now". It's a slow and difficult journey to any goal but I'm just happy I have found these people to look over at and see that they are sweating it out too.

One of the things that I've started doing lately is every morning I take a good look at my naked body. And I tell myself a few positive things about it. I don't let myself focus on anything negative, no worrying over stretch marks, fretting over cellulite, poking something that is hanging that shouldn't be. Nope, there are enough hours in the day to notice all of that stuff. But a good 60 seconds a day of self praise has made it easier for me to be comfortable with the body that I have and the body I will have when I reach my goal weight.

So it's time to weigh in.

Last week: 175.0 lbs
Today: 173.4 lbs

That gives me a net LOSS of 1.6 pounds for the week and my total loss so far 33.6 pounds.

Good luck for the week coming guys!!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

True Confessions Monday

I had to work this weekend so I didn't have much time to be bad. On Friday night the cable guy came to install my new internet and it was such a hassle that I told my husband to go get a six-pack while I nuked something horrible and full of salt and preservatives.

* 5 Beers on Friday night. (I'll have to try with olives next time thx Melissa of the Sisterhood)
* Bad food on Friday night.

On Saturday after I got off work at 10:00PM the guys were here playing Madden NFL 2010. Mind you I did stand in line on Thursday night at Midnight for the grand release of the game with my husband. I quickly unhooked the Wii from the television downstairs and set it up in the bedroom where I have maybe 8 square feet to move around and did my workout. Unfortunately I didn't get everything set up in time so my workout lasted until 12:05AM which counted for Sunday instead of Saturday.

I've already taken a few unauthorized rest day and refuse to fail this challenge so I set the Wii clock back two hours and repeated the workout in order to get credit for Saturday.

*I may have caused some sort of blip in the space time continuum.

On a good note that caused me to double my workout time on Saturday and I have to admit that since I've started using the EAS Active I've been feeling alot stronger. I've even added a few cycles of running into my Wii Fit workouts in the mornings.

I smoke less when I have to work on the weekend, but more when I drink alcohol so I kinda evened out there. This week I'm going to try and keep it to less than 10 cigarettes a day.

And the most glorious of all events, I slept in until noon on Saturday.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day Off Anyone?

It's Sunday and I work two jobs. One at a chain pharmacy that I'm sure you all know/visit. That's just for a little extra cash. Usually I get at least one weekend day off but had to switch with someone because I was scheduled to work on Thursday but cannot. I have an appointment with an accountant. So my last day off was last Sunday and I will be working either/both jobs straight thru to Saturday coming up.

Working 12 days in a row with some of them being 12+ hour days is just another one of those things that makes sticking to my diet/exercise plan difficult. I am exhausted, no time to prepare meals, minimal sleep, housework gets behind. But I do it because my husband and I have very expensive recreational activities.

This year I want to learn to scuba dive. My husband is an avid diver and until I started getting into shape, I will admit to you that part of my hesitance to try it has been my aversion to swimsuits and spandex. I know it's silly and I am glad to be able to finally feel better enough about myself to overcome that obstacle. I mean I have been living in South Florida for almost two years, merely 2 miles from the beach and I hadn't gone in the daytime until this spring.

My birthday is coming up next month so I am hoping for diving lessons from the birthday fairy. This should hopefully be the beginning of a new type of adventure for me.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Cookie

So I went in for my usual afternoon smoothie. My husband asked me to pick him up a sandwich and the guys in the cafe got a kick out of the question "What do you have that's good for people that eat meat?". When I was being rung up I was told that I could take a bag of chips, a banana or a cookie with the sandwich.

I get sandwiches there maybe twice a week for myself and I've never been offered a cookie. Sugar cookies are just about my favourite and so I reasoned that we had chips at home and there was a banana in my smoothie so I would go for the cookie and hope for my husband to not want it.

We get our respective lunches and go home to visit the doggie. We munch, sip and chit chat and then my husband crumples up his bag. He is one to inhale his meals so you never really know which item he is chewing.

"What happened to the cookie?"
"I ate it"

I hid my disappointment and we went on with our day. After dinner I brought up the cookie again and he told me that he didn't really want the cookie but felt as though he should eat it so that I wouldn't have to.

Well, thank you very much sir for saving me from myself. I can appreciate his support on my diet journey but it's been months since I've had a cookie and it's a bit of mental torture to have had one so close to in my mouth.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A little about me.

This week, sadly the scale has gone up every morning. I've been hungrier than usual and unfortunately I have some snacks in the house.

Today's weight: 175lb
Last Week: 173lb

My dream goal weight is 150lb, although I would be happy with 160lb. I at the very least use Wii Fit every morning and have also begun the EA Sports Active 30 day challenge last week.

I guess I can give some background on myself and my weight situation.

Six years ago I weighted 135lb and was a semi-professional dancer. I got married in 2003 to an Army guy who was sent to Iraq a couple of times. The emotional stress of all of that skyrocketed my weight up to about 215lb.

When he was discharged in 2006 we moved to FL and I began my weightloss journey. It was slow going but with diet and excercise I managed to get my weight back down to 180lb.

In October of 2008 I discovered that I was pregnant. Then in February 2009, I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease. That started a rollercoaster of health issues that led them to medicate me to slow down my thyroid. The new medication plus the pregnancy made me balloon up to 210lb within 3 months.

On April 1, 2009 the baby's heartbeat stopped and I lost her. A very tragic end to a difficult pregnancy.

That event led me to a new outlook on my life. I have spent almost 6 years of my life not feeling like I am myself. I was once a very creative, active and adventurous person. Stress, anxiety and self-consciousness led me to be a miserable shell of myself.


So, one month after the still-birth, I weighed in at 207lb and decided that feeling better about myself was a goal that I had to focus on in order to be able to feel good about the world around me. I started working out with the Wii Fit and so far have had amazing results.

I have a long way to go with health and other issues, but I'm working my way back to myself!