Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weight-In-Wednesday SFG/EA2 (Week 3)

This morning after I weighed myself, I went outside and sat on the front porch in a daze for a few minutes. This doesn't seem real sometimes. We all know that sticking to a plan and making the right choices and exercising when you feel like crap is really hard sometimes. We all also know that doing those things pay off. It's just that I've had such a horrible body image for so long that lately when I weigh myself I mutter "Liar!" at the scale. I can't really be getting that thin, can I?

We are going to Vegas next month and on a whim I bought a pair of size 31 skinny jeans (they are called "Junkie Fit"...that should give you an idea of how skinny they really are) and when they arrived I just kinda sighed, knowing they wouldn't fit. I ran in the house and ripped open the package and slid them on. WTF? They are over my hips. OMG! I can snap them. WOWOWOW!!! The zipper goes up. Yes, that's right they are on my body! They are scandalously tight but they are ON! By Vegas time they should be fitting perfectly, enough room to jump and dance but snuggish.

That day I realized how poorly my clothes have been fitting me lately, hanging a little too low on the hip. But that's a triumph! My standard victorious size 14 clothes which let me know that I have triumphed over being plus sized are TOO BIG. Of course I still have a ways to go but this week has been amazing!

Last week: 172.6
Today: 168.6

Hell yea, that's right -4lbs! And 5lbs total to donate for this challenge.

p.s. I got my first Shrink badge


Brooke said...

wow - that's amazing!! :) i know its hard to spend the money, but go out and buy some pants that fit right now. i didn't see the results till i started wearing stuff that fit me properly.

Christie O. said...

OHMIGOD. ok your post brought me to tears. i can't help it. i have the same image problem, it's damn there tragic. my friend said to me over the weekend, what are you wearing these days, a six? i laughed at her. laughed! i had on my 10 jeans. she said, we're going shopping. took me in, i fit a six.

i wouldn't have done that myself. i always think of myself as bigger than i am. WTF. this i have to change and so do you. you're getting there -- actually YOU ARE THERE! you have to start believing it. no one told me that the goggles would still be on when i got skinnier. time to take em off girl!!! congrats on your amazing loss!!!!!! big huge hugs!!!!!

tammi said...

Woo-hoo!!! What an awesome discovery!! Clearly, you're doing something RIGHT very well!

In response to the comment you left on my blog, I've actually completed that course very successfully. It's the reason I was names The Sisterhood's Biggest Shrinker for the "Shrink into Summer" challenge. It's by far the easiest "diet" I've ever tried. Skipping breakfast and lunch a day here and there is WAY easier (in my opinion) than cutting out certain foods altogether. This way, I crave nothing and nothing is completely off-limits.

I finished the study at the beginning of June and in July and August, didn't really follow the eating schedule. Which is why I'm having a hard time getting back into it now!! Don't know why we tell ourselves we'll temporarily allow a "break" from the good habits!!!

The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans said...

Ahhhh, nothing like a pair of scandalously tight jeans. I love it!! Congrats on your victory! You had an amazing loss this week. WOOT!

Hope you have another awesome week!

One more thing: OWN IT! You worked hard and you deserve to celebrate!

Heather D said...

Junkie fit! Love it.
I bought my first pair of skinny jeans too. They have zippers. Wore them to Def Leppard!
Great job, that is a huge loss!

Jenna said...

JUNKIE FIT is hilarious. I bet you're going to rock those jeans.

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