Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weigh-In-Wednesday SFG/EAS2 (Week 5)

I had a horrible week last week so I didn't check all. I missed reading all the posts over at the Sisterhood but caught up today. I did weigh myself and I was down to 170lb on Wednesday morning. But I was depressed, irritable, tired, and just plain grumpy. My birthday was Thursday so I ate SOOO much...cupcakes at work, dinner out with family (2 appetizers, salad, entree, dessert). Skipped a couple workouts and by the weekend I really felt like I was slipping. I was certain that I would have a horrible weigh in this week. I got back into gear on Sunday after a clothes shopping trip with the hubs. I got a bunch of clothes that just 'almost' fit amazingly but I still need to lose a few more pounds. Given the choice of getting clothes that will fit me great in 2-3 weeks or that are too big now (the problem with me and clothing is my waist to hip ratio), I chose to be optimistic and the determination set back in.

Soooo, I did the last workout of my 2nd EAS 30day on Sunday night and the results cannot be denied. I can call the scale a liar as much as I want but a measuring tape will always tell you the truth! When I started this 30day I measured myself and here are the before and afters!

*Bust - Sep. 1-40in Today-38in (-2 inches)
*Chest - Sep. 1-34in Today-33in (-1 inch)
*Bicep - Sep. 1-12in Today-11.5in (-.5 inch)
*Waist - Sep. 1-32.5in Today-31in (-1.5 inches)
*Hips - Sep. 1-46in Today-44in (-2 inches)
*Thigh - Sep. 1-26.5in Today-25in (-1.5inches)
*Calves - Sep. 1-15in Today-15in (same)

I'm not sure how that calculates to how many inches I've lost but it looks good to me. Good enough that I will be starting my 3rd 30day challenge TODAY! The only problem I have with the shrinking is that top number up there. My boobies are deflating! WTF? That is NOT cute. If they get any smaller I will have to roll them up to get them in my bra!

Anyway, this week turned out pretty good after all. I need to get a "Body by Wii" T-Shirt made, lol.

Last week: 167.0lb
Today: 166.2lb

I'm DOWN .8 for the week and - 7.4 for the challenge. The donation pile is getting bountiful.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Weight-In-Wednesday SFG/EA2 (Week 3)

This morning after I weighed myself, I went outside and sat on the front porch in a daze for a few minutes. This doesn't seem real sometimes. We all know that sticking to a plan and making the right choices and exercising when you feel like crap is really hard sometimes. We all also know that doing those things pay off. It's just that I've had such a horrible body image for so long that lately when I weigh myself I mutter "Liar!" at the scale. I can't really be getting that thin, can I?

We are going to Vegas next month and on a whim I bought a pair of size 31 skinny jeans (they are called "Junkie Fit"...that should give you an idea of how skinny they really are) and when they arrived I just kinda sighed, knowing they wouldn't fit. I ran in the house and ripped open the package and slid them on. WTF? They are over my hips. OMG! I can snap them. WOWOWOW!!! The zipper goes up. Yes, that's right they are on my body! They are scandalously tight but they are ON! By Vegas time they should be fitting perfectly, enough room to jump and dance but snuggish.

That day I realized how poorly my clothes have been fitting me lately, hanging a little too low on the hip. But that's a triumph! My standard victorious size 14 clothes which let me know that I have triumphed over being plus sized are TOO BIG. Of course I still have a ways to go but this week has been amazing!

Last week: 172.6
Today: 168.6

Hell yea, that's right -4lbs! And 5lbs total to donate for this challenge.

p.s. I got my first Shrink badge

Monday, September 14, 2009

True Confessions Monday

I was pretty good this week but boy oh boy, Friday night was naughty at least.

I exercised as soon as I got home from work so that I wouldn't have to worry over it. Me and hubby were going out to dinner. Soon as I finished I grabbed a beer to drink before showering. Sad, I know. Grabbed a beer after the shower. On the way to the restaurant a couple of our friends offered to meet us at a bar. So we ate. I had a salad and a plate of yummy ummy (I'm getting a little lightheaded thinking about them even now) Garlic Parmesan Fries. Those things make me weak in the knees and I've wanted them all week. A couple more beers to wash all that down and off to the bar.

Had some rum, talked. More rum, more talking. More rum, probably mostly slurring and giggling at this point. A couple of beers and it was last call.

Got home and drank beer until (well, I don't remember but my husband filled me in) I passed out for awhile on the couch and when my husband woke me up, I stated that I wanted, You guessed it, MORE BEER!

Saturday I was hungover as hell but exercised in the morning anyway. Getting my heart pumping helped snap me out of it.

Oh, and last night I had 1/4 of a cookie. I think eating only that much of it was amazing self control on my part considering the bag is still in the kitchen! Thing is that when I'm dieting I get that "Ooooh, I haven't had one of those in soooo loooong" feeling and end up binging.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday SFG/EA2 (Week 2)

Ugh, it's been a rough last few days. Sure, I've been exercising and eating properly. I didn't even go out for dinner on Friday like I usually do because I had to work that night.

However Ms. Mother Nature is up to her monthly mischief and I've been a raving bloated maniac. I'm moody, depressed, tired, achy, and did I mention BLOATED??? Anyway, I'm up .6lb this week. Weighed in this morning at 172.6 pounds. Booo/Hisss!!!

And the EA Active? It stole Monday. Last night after work I figured I would do some Gold's Cardio since it was a rest day from EA Active but since the weekend was such a blur I thought I would check and make sure I had it right. The Journal has me as working out on Monday but the calander says I took a rest day. I don't think I have ever been so angry at an electronic device in my life! How DARE it? I burned over 300 calories on Monday night!

I cursed, yelled, shook fists and I'm pretty sure that steam was coming from my ears when my husband decided to say "Calm down honey, it's just a game" Oh boy did that ever push me over the edge! Just a GAME??? This is hard bloody work for me, exercising 2.5 hours a day and sometimes getting that little satisfaction of a checkmark on a day that I've completed keeps me on track.

I was up until 2:30 AM steaming over it. Now I'm laughing at myself, but last night I wanted to pulverize that little white box!

Last week: 172.0
Today: 172.6